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US industrial motor energy conservation standards revised this month to comply
Time:2015-09-28    Source: 帝悦精密科技(苏州)有限公司    View:2161


Recently, the US Department of Energy issued a final rule in the Federal Register, on energy conservation standards for commercial and industrial motors were revised.
The revision, the US Department of Energy for a number of different categories of motor not before the regulatory scope of the proposed energy conservation standards, and has been the motor for the regulation, in part to maintain the original standard, another part of the standard has been modified.
US Department of Energy to broaden the scope of existing standards, except for the fire pump motor, the motor current regulatory requirements all meet the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) published tables MG1-2011 energy efficiency 12-12 and Table 20-B of standards. Fire pump motor to maintain existing standards, while all other motors covered in this final rule also need to satisfy the above regulatory standards.
The revised "Energy Policy and Conservation Act" (EPCA) provides a variety of energy efficiency standards for consumer products and commercial and industrial equipment, including motors. EPCA asked the US Department of Energy to determine whether the revised standard is technically feasible and reasonable brokerage, and can save a lot of energy. After the assessment, the revision of the energy efficiency standards can not only bring huge energy savings and can reduce CO2, methane, SO2, nitrogen oxide and other gases, has significant environmental benefits.
The effective date of this final rule is July 28, 2014, in which electrical energy for commercial and industrial standards from June 1, 2016 began to comply.